Wednesday, September 26, 2012

But imma do it anyway

I try and make my words sound beautiful and inspiring, but they never seem to come out with the right fluidity. So throw that out the window and just read because its a really cute love (like) story.

He made a list of things he'd do for me/ things we'd do together.
Catch frogs
Watch the Avengers
Eat crawfish
Go fishing (check!)
Today when I saw him, he said he was bringing me crawfish from the trip he was taking that afternoon (yes! Something to get me through my long day at work).
Even when he texted me and said he had no luck in catching some, my spirits were not dampened.
I don't want to tell the story, I want the words to
"I think that would put a big smile on my face"
"No ma'am. I want to do it just for you."
They seem so insignificant, but he's making my heart flutter.. Something that hasn't happened in months. And I'm putting a smile on someone's face again :) that's the best part- that I can have that affect on someone.

I don't have anyone to tell these things to because I'm too busy playing doctor and never get the chance to play the patient. So my blog and my journal get it.

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