Thursday, November 29, 2012

Everyone knows girls can be the most insecure creatures on this planet. They also know they can be the most confident. Some days girls feel beautiful, and skinny, and their outfit looks good and their hair lays just right. Some days that cute boy talks to you and you think, for just a night or two, that he's interested. He flirts, and he's sweet. Some days things just work out.

Other days... Other days don't. But today isn't one of those days.

And then you have days that are in betweens. Some days go great, you look in the mirror and feel beautiful and you think you have mesmerizing eyes. But then you see something, you hear something, and that feeling is gone. Annoyance and a short temperament overcome you. Why? Why are good moments ruined?
I don't know. But right now, I'm feeling beautiful and vulnerable, and like I could jump for it, and id be okay with falling- even if I fell into empty air; sometimes falling is exciting, and even when you land, you don't regret the fall.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Missionaries left, right, and center.

Well guys. He. Is. Home.

I just saw him and..... He's thin. And tall. Taller than I remember. I'm sure he got taller! He must have....

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I'm living in Germany for the summer :) And I'm so, so excited!

Germany in 5 months.
Graduation in 5 months.
Mission in 10.
An old friend in 4 days (which I just realized I am so nervous for).
Life is happening oh so quickly!