Friday, January 20, 2012

The past months in the drill team world have been nothing but hell for American fork Cavettes.

Because of the things that have happened, I am afraid this will be my last year. After two years of doing something I love, I have to say goodbye.

I am scared out of my mind of the person I might become without drill to keep me on track, but there's nothing that can keep me going; nothing that could actually happen.

I suppose this is a part of life, but I don't like it.

I'll make these last few months count. And if you have suggestions of what new hobby I should take up, please feel free to enlighten me.... Cause I have no idea.

WAS THAT NOT AN AWFUL AF VS. LONE PEAK GAME!?!?!? Geesh! I wanna know how much those refs got payed... Dumb lone peak. I'll hate them forever.
