Saturday, August 20, 2011

i'm now tweeting...

chloe has officially entered the world of

kinda confusing right now... but i'm sure i'll be addicted in no time :]
follow me @GilmourChloe

school is in threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (3) days.
do you feel as sick as i do?


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

its that easy.

some people call it immature.
i call it eliminating the problem.

click and delete.

erase cyberbullying.

tah xxx

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

the parts of dancing i don't enjoy....

the 'giver-upers'.
the quitters.
the whiners.
the 'this-is-too-hard'ers.
the betrayal.
the petty competition between girls.
the 'i' in team.
sloppy arms.
sloppy legs.
not pointed toes.
and betrayal.

don't get me wrong.. i love and adore every person on my team.
but sometimes...
sometimes people rub you the wrong way.
and you get angry.
and want to punch things.
really hard.
over and over again.
and they only way to make that go be better than them. let it go and kick their butt.

now that you've all seen the physical, and slightly scary, part of Chloe....
I'm gonna go now :]

have a lovely day!!
