Friday, July 27, 2012

Book-making prep

We're making a book. And my email is kaput. Hence the obnoxious picture adding to my blog. I apologize..

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Because I love them :)

Words cannot describe how much I truly, honestly, wholly, and adoringly LOVE these girls! They are my light on a dark day, my smile in a sea of frowns, my best friends in a world of fakers and backstabbers.

They got me through the hardest time in my life, and they got me out on top. Everything is OK because they showed me what it was like to be happy with what you have, to make the littlest things the best best things. They gave me confidence, endurance, and strength :) I can face whatever is thrown at me because I have my sisters at my side, ready with ice cream, their fists, and their own tears to comfort me ;)

I know I wouldn't be who I am without them- I wouldn't want to be anything else than what they've made me :)

I love you girls- I can't wait for the coming years: senior year, college, married and living next door, and being old, wrinkly ladies with joining rooms in the rest home ;)- you're not getting rid of me easily!!

To live a life with no best friends... Well that isn't the life to live.