Thursday, November 1, 2012

Not so mysterious person.

We fight more than sisters.
We disagree more than sisters.
We are completely different, just like sisters.

And I think that is exactly what brings us closer. If I can handle them through Highschool, why couldn't I handle them through college? I think they're prepping me for marriage more than any class, dating, or boys could teach me: pick your battles.

I'll always love them. And they'll always love me, even when I'm the biggest witch in the whole world. Even when I kick them out of my car. And even when I speak my mind.... Especially when I shouldn't.

We're sisters. Not just best friends. They'll be with me in the eternities.

Here's to my over- bearing, annoying, obnoxious, hilarious, beautiful, and totally unique best friends.

... Trying to live a healthy lifestyle only brings up suspicion and concern. Geez, people.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Always in trouble.

Goal: no more name dropping, limited pictures, and vagueness in all things.

Or better yet. Write in that cute journal sitting by your bed.