Friday, December 14, 2012

Competition number one

First competition of the season is tomorrow. I feel more prepared than I have in previous years, but now I understand the politics and I'm not just there to dance; I'm there to look good.
I've noticed that everyone looks the same- I mean that every team does the same thing; turns, kicks, handstands, drop splits... It's just nothing new. It's not exciting anymore. We finally have what it takes to win, and it's my last year. Give the program two years and they'll be incredible; they'll be unique. Which is what drill team needs. Desperately.
I'm excited to go to Jordan tomorrow. I feel so confident about how I look. The only thing that's worrying me is my lack of sleep. It's become a serious issue. But my adrenaline should pump me up when I'm out on the floor. I hope.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

These are my favorite places/ people

llanrwst north wales Tours In Wales United Kingdom

These are my favorite places.
I can't wait to go back.
I belong here.
My heart longs for these beautiful places.
Nature is what makes me so close to my Heavenly Father.
I can go back to that little cafe in London that has an egg sandwich that I still dream about.
Those shops that line the streets- they call for me.
The cigarette air.
The clothes.
The people.
The family.
The history.
The streets.
The castles.
The darkness.
Those big black crows and those ducks.
Fish and chips.
A new adventure, a new chapter, and memories I won't ever forget.
Everything about this place.
Germany. Scotland. England. Wales. Maybe France.
This is happening. It's real. I'm growing up and going out on my own. Life is working out.
I had a lovely Skype chat with Taylor Gunther (Yes, I'm copying you). This boy is a reminder to me that not all boys are dumb; that boys can be respectful and fun and different. He's totally his own, he's one of my best friends, and I love him dearly. He's been a huge example to me over the years, and I owe a lot of who I am to who he is and the part he's played in my life. More girls deserve a boy like him in their lives. I hope one day I'll be blessed with someone like Taylor. Thanks for being around for me for so long, Tay. I love you :) And I can't forget that I am also forever in debt to him for his amazing skills at hooking me up with one classy man (we'll see how that works out and how much credit he'll actually want to take for it ;)).
Quality people are hard to find in this day and age, so I'm one lucky girl to have been blessed with nothing but those kinds of people. Thanks guys, you've effected my eternities, and I hope I've had a small effect on yours. Boys, thanks for showing me what a worthy priesthood holder looks like. Thanks for showing me what a true friend is. And girls, you already know that you're my everything. Thanks for accepting me and all my many, many flaws. You are my best friends. The Lord must love me for blessing me with such amazing and strong young women. You're my sisters- forever and forever.


Elder Scott's mission homecoming talk

What a perfect person to talk when I myself am thinking about going on my mission in a few short months. He has grown immensely in the gospel- it's amazing what a mission can do for a young man. He spoke with such power and passion that he brought me to tears. Not even for a specific reason, his authority just brought the spirit in so strongly. He got me to think "I can't wait for my turn".
He said something that really hit me: you are sent to a mission completely unique to who you are; what you look like, how you act, your personality and characteristics, your strengths and your weaknesses. You are sent to specific places solely for specific people. Whether that's for one or two or 10,000, it's for them. A mission is so personal.
He went to NJ for two people. I wonder who I'll be going for....?

Faith is a principle of action and power.