Saturday, May 26, 2012

Words aren't something I'm good at: pictures

The best way to say what I feel is to show it :)

Ps. It's so hard to see you when you're not with me. Still in shock.

Pss. I freaking know how to party hard. I'll be feeling this night for the whole three day weekend!!
I look homeless.
I love you.

I believe...: love

I don't believe in love in Highschool. I believe in insecure girls and insecure boys. Some find someone to make them feel less insecure and call it love. I believe in deep caring, but not love.

What is love? How could I have already experienced it? ...I haven't. I've experienced deep, selfless, unforgiving care.

Is that not almost worse? I think it might be.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm only..

I'm only okay when I'm not alone. I really really try so hard to be the bravest and toughest I can be! But when I'm alone... I have all the time in the world to think about you, us, then... And I can't stand it. I'm out of your head, why can't you be out of mine? I would give anything, anything at all to forget.
It feels like lifetimes ago. Maybe so many that it doesn't even seem real to me.... It doesn't feel like I ever knew you. Ouch.

Tryouts are finally over :) now I just have to tackle finals and I'm done! Cavestock and summertime are next on the list! Wish me luck?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You are a diamond.. Precious, priceless, irreplaceable: drill team, year two: check!

You are a diamond/ worthy, dynamic, and strong/ capable of conquering all/ as gods child you belong/ among the heavens/ sparkling like rare jewels/ classy and proud/ feeling anew/ belief in yourself/ is a key to your life/ without it, you fall/ living in angst and strife/ take pride in yourself/ you're genuine and rare/ choose a life that is precious/ and gleam bright and fair/ you're a cut above the rest/ priceless and refined/ know your worth/ be spectacular, be divine/ for a diamond is a true find/ desired, loved, a prize/ And that is you, one of a kind: irreplaceable and wise.

I wish to express the love I have for my team. They are the best friends, sisters, and eternal companions anyone could ever have. I am incredibly blessed to have come to know and love these girls. They are a part of me, a part I won't EVER forget. They have made my junior year worth it :) true friends are the ones you fight with, confide in, laugh at, smile with, and spend all your time with... And they still love you :) thank you girls for being that for me :) an eternity of "thanks you's" wouldn't even begin to say how grateful I am to you! You got me through the hardest time of my life... I am who I am thanks to you :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

English class

Theres this kid in my English class that sits two seats down from me. He must have something weird going on because every day he turns to Mady and laughs. And he writes about how the world will end and that his dog told him this. It's so random, no rhyme or reason for it.
So today, we're just taking our ACT and we haven't had out daily laugh yet. He just sits up looks at us and starts laughing! Me and Mady instantly start laughing in total hysterics! I've never had to have so much self control in my whole life! I shook the desks that's how hard I was laughing... I'm dying while writing this!

You had to be there. It was great.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Him, no one lovely, just him.

He's got looks that books take pages to say; I try and write them every single day.