Saturday, April 13, 2013

We continue to grow up with no eyes for the present

Last night we had a picnic, rode bikes down the canyon, laughed and joked, sat eating ice cream for hours, making memories and feelings to last a lifetime.

These are the times you remember forever. These are the times we don't have enough of, but when we get them, we never forget.

The people we spend time with impact us more than we know. And I love them. I love them more and more as the days go on and we continue to make memories like we did last night.

We have 50 days until I leave- until we don't see each other for two years. I beg we have more times like last night.

We had such a good time :)

I love my best friends, that's one thing you got right on as you spewed nasty words in my face. Thanks for recognizing the love I can capacitate.

... Today marks the day I became a big girl- I did my own eyeshadow :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words always do the most damage.

Maybe god gives us days like today to give us what we so desperately prayed for. Maybe it's my way out with as little pain as possible.

"You only talk to tall, skinny people who do crossfit"

Words I will never forget.

They'll always be there. Every time I see the mouth they came out of. They dug even deeper than "it's going to be hard, but it's the right thing to do".

And I'll just remember I'm happier in this state of mind than I ever was in that one.

No one understands it. And no one accepts it.

People see what they want to see.
Inside of my head, I've never been better. But we don't seek for the good in others. We overlook it and find the faults.
And that's okay, because we're human.

We cry, and we feel sorry for ourselves, and we miss, and we cleave to old times&and old memories.

Why doesn't anyone ask about my day. Or how I am. Or call me up to watch a movie and sit closely. Just talk, or wonder about me?
There's never a person who allows me to talk about my fears and troubles, my tears and terrors. Because I'm busy listening to them.

But no one sees it.

No one knows.

...Sticks and stones may break my bones, and words will ALWAYS hurt me, much more deeply.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Breathe. Just breathe.

Something about him makes me crazy. Not crazy like I don't want anything to do with you, but.. The good crazy.
It's that crazy that gets your heart going, and the butterflies flying. The one that no one has quite been able to replicate.

And there he goes again...

And she partially lied to one, didn't lie enough to the other. What has she done?

New York

NYCs been a total dream; shows, shopping, lights, friends, food, and walking.
It's made me see what I really want to do: intern. Maybe not even get the job, just intern. Marie Claire mag. I've got the hookups, the time (in 2 years) and I think I've got the talent. It was so fun seeing what it's like there.
Gucci, Tiffany, Michael Kors. So excited about my finds and purchases.

Gosh. And those amazingly beautiful British boys! And those men who went to a private college in the financial district. Pictures are all we have left..