Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mommy party begins

I get to play mom for a whole week! Exciting?? Maybe? Maybe not.

Today I went to the bank and went grocery shopping. Boy, I already don't like being a mom.

Get me to the gym. Stat.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Girls Camp: year 6

I don't have much to say about this year except that over the last 6, I have honestly gained a testimony. A testimony that I KNOW my Father in Heaven loves me, that this gospel IS true, that my Heavenly Father knows me personally. That I wouldn't be who I am without the experiences of girls camp and the leaders that have molded me to be the young women I am today, and the young women I will be tomorrow. I KNOW that all things happen for a reason, and it's all for that perfect ending we all want.

As long as we look UP, the Lord will guide us to where we are supposed to be.

I'm grateful for eternal families and for the one I get to spend that time with.

We did something called a SOLO; this is where we sat alone for about an hour in the woods, and filled out a book about things we liked about ourselves, questions we had, our testimony, things we were grateful for, and a personal letter from our Heavenly Father. At the end of this booklet, there was a promise we made to return to Him. I promised to do WHATEVER it took to get back to heaven with Him. I promised to marry in the temple, and keep all my temple covenants. I really meant that.... And I want my promise back on the day of my wedding... So that I can see that I did it.

I KNOW this church is true. I feel this gospel is true. I feel my Saviors love.

I say this, humbly, in the name of His son, Jesus Christ,

... And He made *him look UP.

Also, my ward friends are FREAKING hilarious. Like... We are. 4 girls on my bed. We are really comfortable with each other. Love them!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

These girls keep me going.

Reunited and it feels so good!!

*A life with no best friends is not a life worth living*