Monday, December 26, 2011
week one of christmas break: lovely.
Guys, this passed week has been utterly amazing :] not because i did anything really fun, or saw a lot of people, because i did neither :] but because i hung out with my favorite people, and did nothing :]
Monday I'm sure i did nothing. which is very logical because you see, we had our first competition on Saturday. it was very long; 14 hours to be exact. so i took that day to catch up on sleep and do nothing :]
this day was my wonderful boyfriends birthday :] this year, i felt very proud of my gift to him. i was a little worried it would be thought of as too girly, but he liked it enough :]
for his birthday, all we did was hang out at his house, play a little ping pong, and watch the weirdest movie i have ever seen: THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO LITTLE. it was so strange.
i made cranberry, jalapeno relish, which ended up being a total hit :]
this night was so simple, that it made my list of favorite days :]
and there wasn't even a goodnight kiss... i guess he actually likes me for me and not my lips (yes girls, that is very possible:))
i had to take my sisters out so that my mommy could finish wrapping Christmas gifts. so i took them to see TIN TIN. it actually wasn't that bad! and the only upside to this was Dall and his sisters joined us :] Haha, my sisters now believe me that they are very quiet and shy :]
another day spent with my best friend :] aah.... he is the best person :] he so kindly volunteered his house this whole week... i was over there a whole lot :]
after he had his choir practiced, i went over there and watched BETTER OFF DEAD, the other movie we had to choose from on his birthday. this movie was also so dumb... haha, oh the good ole 80's...
it doesn't sound very excited, and it wasn't, but... i don't know! i love these nights :]
Friday :] its always the best night of the week :]
Dall called and told me i had been invited to his family last minute white elephant party :] it was so short notice that i didn't have anything to bring, so he just came and picked me up; my present was a surprise to me and everyone else but Alice :]
even though it was small, and they all thought it was lame, i thought it was fun and sweet :] i ended up with hello kitty headphones... which i actually liked (that's not supposed to happen, is it??) :)
we then went to the kitchen and made snowflakes :] this always sounded so cute in my head... and it was in real life :] his cute sisters came and joined us... they are very good at making snowflakes. much better than me, actually. we laughed and giggled and had lots of fun :]
haha, now, the rest of the night was so random :]
we sat on his coach and we literally laughed until we cried!! i never thought him to be that funny, but oh boy was he :] you know those things that really aren't funny, but you re so elated that you laugh and laugh anyway?? that's what we did :] he literally had tears running down his face:] i did, too! i loved it :]
after i so kindly asked him to take me home, we laughed and laughed all the way there. he stopped at a stop sign and planted a solid kiss on my lips... something i hadn't gotten all week :] it was a nice surprise :] when he pulled into my driveway, he kissed me again. we were saying goodbye when he came to kiss me again. i obviously kissed him back, cause kissing is nice, but i just couldn't take him seriously and laughed all over his face! hahahahaha..... its okay, he totally denied me right before :] that's just how we are :] not very serious :]
Christmas EVE! we saw WE BOUGHT A ZOO to pass time :]
this movie was SO cute!!! i did cry a few times, but it was just so sweet and inspirational! and so real.... there was no avoiding it.
oh boy, do i believe this.
i like it so much that it's going to be my new life motto :]
it was a good day :]
i didn't get much, but that's okay because i didn't ask for anything, or felt like i was in need of anything :] so my mommy gave me a nice $100 bill to get a few more presents :]
we had church, which was awesome! slept, and played with our new toys :] love Christmas!
my favorite gift:
THE KISSING HAND. this is the gift i got from Dallin. i opened the cover, and out fell a note. his notes are always so sweet! though it was short, it still had the power to bring me to tears :] they always do :] after reading through the book, the back cover held another note. in this note was his hand with a big heart drawn in the middle. at the bottom it said: I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!
it again brought me to tears :]
and there you have it! my incredibly simple week :] simple is my favorite :]
i hope you all had a great week, and hope you have another one this week :]
happy holidays
Monday I'm sure i did nothing. which is very logical because you see, we had our first competition on Saturday. it was very long; 14 hours to be exact. so i took that day to catch up on sleep and do nothing :]
this day was my wonderful boyfriends birthday :] this year, i felt very proud of my gift to him. i was a little worried it would be thought of as too girly, but he liked it enough :]
for his birthday, all we did was hang out at his house, play a little ping pong, and watch the weirdest movie i have ever seen: THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO LITTLE. it was so strange.
i made cranberry, jalapeno relish, which ended up being a total hit :]
this night was so simple, that it made my list of favorite days :]
and there wasn't even a goodnight kiss... i guess he actually likes me for me and not my lips (yes girls, that is very possible:))
i had to take my sisters out so that my mommy could finish wrapping Christmas gifts. so i took them to see TIN TIN. it actually wasn't that bad! and the only upside to this was Dall and his sisters joined us :] Haha, my sisters now believe me that they are very quiet and shy :]
another day spent with my best friend :] aah.... he is the best person :] he so kindly volunteered his house this whole week... i was over there a whole lot :]
after he had his choir practiced, i went over there and watched BETTER OFF DEAD, the other movie we had to choose from on his birthday. this movie was also so dumb... haha, oh the good ole 80's...
it doesn't sound very excited, and it wasn't, but... i don't know! i love these nights :]
Friday :] its always the best night of the week :]
Dall called and told me i had been invited to his family last minute white elephant party :] it was so short notice that i didn't have anything to bring, so he just came and picked me up; my present was a surprise to me and everyone else but Alice :]
even though it was small, and they all thought it was lame, i thought it was fun and sweet :] i ended up with hello kitty headphones... which i actually liked (that's not supposed to happen, is it??) :)
we then went to the kitchen and made snowflakes :] this always sounded so cute in my head... and it was in real life :] his cute sisters came and joined us... they are very good at making snowflakes. much better than me, actually. we laughed and giggled and had lots of fun :]
haha, now, the rest of the night was so random :]
we sat on his coach and we literally laughed until we cried!! i never thought him to be that funny, but oh boy was he :] you know those things that really aren't funny, but you re so elated that you laugh and laugh anyway?? that's what we did :] he literally had tears running down his face:] i did, too! i loved it :]
after i so kindly asked him to take me home, we laughed and laughed all the way there. he stopped at a stop sign and planted a solid kiss on my lips... something i hadn't gotten all week :] it was a nice surprise :] when he pulled into my driveway, he kissed me again. we were saying goodbye when he came to kiss me again. i obviously kissed him back, cause kissing is nice, but i just couldn't take him seriously and laughed all over his face! hahahahaha..... its okay, he totally denied me right before :] that's just how we are :] not very serious :]
Christmas EVE! we saw WE BOUGHT A ZOO to pass time :]
this movie was SO cute!!! i did cry a few times, but it was just so sweet and inspirational! and so real.... there was no avoiding it.
oh boy, do i believe this.
i like it so much that it's going to be my new life motto :]
it was a good day :]
i didn't get much, but that's okay because i didn't ask for anything, or felt like i was in need of anything :] so my mommy gave me a nice $100 bill to get a few more presents :]
we had church, which was awesome! slept, and played with our new toys :] love Christmas!
my favorite gift:
THE KISSING HAND. this is the gift i got from Dallin. i opened the cover, and out fell a note. his notes are always so sweet! though it was short, it still had the power to bring me to tears :] they always do :] after reading through the book, the back cover held another note. in this note was his hand with a big heart drawn in the middle. at the bottom it said: I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!
it again brought me to tears :]
and there you have it! my incredibly simple week :] simple is my favorite :]
i hope you all had a great week, and hope you have another one this week :]
happy holidays
Friday, December 2, 2011
Hi. My name is Chloe and I'm addicted to Pinterest...
Oh hey :)
If you haven't heard of PINTERST, then you will have after this post :) and if you aren't addicted in one day... You'll get your money back :)... Except there's no money involved... Yet ;) (I say this because I've spent much money on my numerous different projects.)
Pinterest is a place where creative people pin all the cool things they do and see and want to share with the world.
You may have seen all the thing i post on twitter about the things that I am obsessed with at one time or another, maybe you hated them, maybe you loved them :) but! I am honestly on this site every single day of my life for hours on end :)
I think maybe I need help.. But I really don't want help :)
Every person Ive talked to about it has fallen in love... And you're next :) promise!
Go look and lemme know how you like it :) and then I'll shoot you an invite if you like it enough to be part of the exclusive club ;)
Happy Pinning...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The anger I feel inside:
I have never hated a person with my whole heart. Until a few months ago.
You know who you are and I hope you read this.
Wanna know why I'm better than you? Because I stick to my promises. When I commit, I'm commited.
This is my mood every day guys. It's so sad. The people I loved most don't talk to me, I don't talk to them, and I want more than anything to get away. But.. I'm better than that.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Screw Technology.
Twitter was fun... Until I got harassed there.
Facebook was getting old.. And I was getting crap there, too.
Blogging is nice, but you still get biz snatch girls writing dumb stuff.
Technology is supposed to be good.
Nope. It only causes me worry and stress. It's only yet ANOTHER way to cause drama.
I'm glad my friends no longer tell me things.
I'm glad I don't really have friends (because if I did, I'd be caught up in dumb things that don't even matter).
I'm glad that I have at least two people to back me up when I need it.
I'm glad I have my blog to listen to me vent in a more creative and wordy way :)
I'm glad it's the time of season to get fat and eat away your worries.
Current: 117.4
After the holidays: 136
Count on it ;)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
yes, i'm still alive.
hows it goin?
my name is chloe..
and i've been gone far too long.
but i hope to making it back to the blogging world a little more often now :]
just incase anyone wants to know, i'm doing great :]
sometimes feelings are hurt, or anger is everywhere, and you get offended very easily, but i've become okay with those feelings. i'll complain all i want, because those i complain to, are those i trust.
sometimes you have to love someone enough to give them what they want. sometimes its hard, but you put on a pretty smile and say you're okay :] and sometimes, if youre lucky enough, you really are okay :] like me :]
keep smiling... because you're beautiful :]
tah xxx
hows it goin?
my name is chloe..
and i've been gone far too long.
but i hope to making it back to the blogging world a little more often now :]
just incase anyone wants to know, i'm doing great :]
sometimes feelings are hurt, or anger is everywhere, and you get offended very easily, but i've become okay with those feelings. i'll complain all i want, because those i complain to, are those i trust.
sometimes you have to love someone enough to give them what they want. sometimes its hard, but you put on a pretty smile and say you're okay :] and sometimes, if youre lucky enough, you really are okay :] like me :]
keep smiling... because you're beautiful :]
tah xxx
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011 those who...
baby. i wish you could see.
just how much youre loved.
you don't have to like us, but you NEED to know that you are not hated.
people are not being fake. theyre just worried, and not really sure how to go about things with you because they don't want to piss you off.
youre loved.
i swear it.
just how much youre loved.
you don't have to like us, but you NEED to know that you are not hated.
people are not being fake. theyre just worried, and not really sure how to go about things with you because they don't want to piss you off.
youre loved.
i swear it.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
the sounds of my childhood memory...
as I'm laying here in bed, i can hear the train blowing its horn. its dark, and I'm laying by a slightly cracked window. this sound reminds me of two different times in my not-too-long-ago childhood life.
whenever i hear the sound of that horn, i immediately go to my grandparents house. i was about 6 i think, and i remember laying in my bed, that was right by a slightly cracked window, where i could hear the sound of that horn, and could see the glare from the city lights. i can strictly remember the smell that room had: it smelled of strong scented soap, the kind you would smell in an earlier time period. i always thought it would be green and prickly. i remember being wrapped up in stiff, cool, white sheets.
i don't know why i always go to that moment in time, but i always do. every time. and it reminds me of the happy times i shared in hot California, in that house with wretched green carpet..... and I'll never forget that simple memory.
i also think of the time i was in London. we were staying at the London temple headquarters in a white, cylinder block room that had three bunk beds. i loved hearing the sound of that train... it was somehow so much more magical than any other train I'd ever heard. maybe it was due to the fact that i was in London, somewhere I'd always longed to go, or maybe its just because i have a thing for trains.
i loved smelling and hearing the light drops of rain, and the far away bustle of London, and feeling the calming peace of the temple nearby. i loved walking around the beautiful gardens each morning before we went out for the day, and seeing, all around me, the strange and different things. the things that remind me of my time in the UK are things i would never trade for anything. they are memories i will never forget, and they're memories that are awakened quite often by the smallest things.
i love being reminded of happy childhood times. times when all you needed to do was get a red crayon and draw a picture. when bubbles could make everything better. where going far away places in your imagination was normal, and making up silly games with your friends was the best time.
I'm grateful for the memories i have, and the places they take me.
".... you didn't even play with me and i adore you for it..."
have a lovely, and dreamy night my charming readers..
American Fork, UT, USA... in bed
Saturday, September 3, 2011
i'm slackin.. but i'm goin to homecoming!
hey blogging world. I'm back.. maybe.
if i have time :]
I've just been so busy! you know... school.
it really truly sucks.
the first week was the worst thing I've ever had in school history. going back to having no friends, to adjusting to knew classes, new people. to just feeling alone because you don't know how to handle anything.
wondering if you're losing your boyfriend because he's so busy and distant, and wondering more if that's what everyone else thinks because every other person asks if you're together. and kind of rude, ridiculous, and disrespectful girls are trying to make a move with MY boyfriend. you can have him when he's no longer attached to me. actually, not even then. k, thanks.
this week has been much much MUCH better :] oh so much better. i made goals, and goals are great things. they just make you focus on things other than the things that make you upset.
i got asked to homecoming :]
here's how it went:
my daddy told me i had to be home at 9 because there was something important waiting at home for me.
so i went home, and was handed a bag with paper slips in it. it was a scavenger hunt.. sort of. i had to go around town looking for the rest of my clues.
the last place i went told me that that WASN'T the person taking me and told me to go to Larson Park to find the name of my homecoming date. RELIEF!
i had no idea where Larson Park was. so i was lost for a few minutes and it was frustrating.
i ended up going to that park with the gazebo.. you know which one I'm talking about? well there was a car parked on the grass with its lights on shining at the gazebo. i drove in there, but wasn't sure if it was the right place, so i turned around, looked some more, and went back and parked.
i got out of my car and walked to the gazebo where my CUUUUTE boyfriend waited with my favorite flowers :] he then asked me to homecoming :]
oh he is just the sweeeeeetest thing ever!!! i love him :] and i am so excited to go :]
i found my dress today!! yes!!!
pictures soon :]
".....i found a whisker on my neck!"
if i have time :]
I've just been so busy! you know... school.
it really truly sucks.
the first week was the worst thing I've ever had in school history. going back to having no friends, to adjusting to knew classes, new people. to just feeling alone because you don't know how to handle anything.
wondering if you're losing your boyfriend because he's so busy and distant, and wondering more if that's what everyone else thinks because every other person asks if you're together. and kind of rude, ridiculous, and disrespectful girls are trying to make a move with MY boyfriend. you can have him when he's no longer attached to me. actually, not even then. k, thanks.
this week has been much much MUCH better :] oh so much better. i made goals, and goals are great things. they just make you focus on things other than the things that make you upset.
i got asked to homecoming :]
here's how it went:
my daddy told me i had to be home at 9 because there was something important waiting at home for me.
so i went home, and was handed a bag with paper slips in it. it was a scavenger hunt.. sort of. i had to go around town looking for the rest of my clues.
but! with each new place i went, i received letters. and they were spelling out the name of someone i was ABSOLUTELY not going with, so i was kinda pissed the whole time.
the last place i went told me that that WASN'T the person taking me and told me to go to Larson Park to find the name of my homecoming date. RELIEF!
i had no idea where Larson Park was. so i was lost for a few minutes and it was frustrating.
i ended up going to that park with the gazebo.. you know which one I'm talking about? well there was a car parked on the grass with its lights on shining at the gazebo. i drove in there, but wasn't sure if it was the right place, so i turned around, looked some more, and went back and parked.
i got out of my car and walked to the gazebo where my CUUUUTE boyfriend waited with my favorite flowers :] he then asked me to homecoming :]
oh he is just the sweeeeeetest thing ever!!! i love him :] and i am so excited to go :]
i found my dress today!! yes!!!
pictures soon :]
".....i found a whisker on my neck!"
my best friend,
My Life,
My Love,
Saturday, August 20, 2011
i'm now tweeting...
chloe has officially entered the world of
kinda confusing right now... but i'm sure i'll be addicted in no time :]
follow me @GilmourChloe
school is in threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (3) days.
do you feel as sick as i do?
kinda confusing right now... but i'm sure i'll be addicted in no time :]
follow me @GilmourChloe
school is in threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (3) days.
do you feel as sick as i do?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
its that easy.
some people call it immature.
i call it eliminating the problem.
click and delete.
erase cyberbullying.
tah xxx
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
the parts of dancing i don't enjoy....
the 'giver-upers'.
the quitters.
the whiners.
the 'this-is-too-hard'ers.
the betrayal.
the petty competition between girls.
the 'i' in team.
sloppy arms.
sloppy legs.
not pointed toes.
and betrayal.
don't get me wrong.. i love and adore every person on my team.
but sometimes...
sometimes people rub you the wrong way.
and you get angry.
and want to punch things.
really hard.
over and over again.
and they only way to make that go be better than them. let it go and kick their butt.
now that you've all seen the physical, and slightly scary, part of Chloe....
I'm gonna go now :]
have a lovely day!!
the quitters.
the whiners.
the 'this-is-too-hard'ers.
the betrayal.
the petty competition between girls.
the 'i' in team.
sloppy arms.
sloppy legs.
not pointed toes.
and betrayal.
don't get me wrong.. i love and adore every person on my team.
but sometimes...
sometimes people rub you the wrong way.
and you get angry.
and want to punch things.
really hard.
over and over again.
and they only way to make that go be better than them. let it go and kick their butt.
now that you've all seen the physical, and slightly scary, part of Chloe....
I'm gonna go now :]
have a lovely day!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
the fibers of my being ache for this one passion... dance.
have you ever been so excited to do something... that your whole self feels EXCITED??? alive?
well goodness.
i feel as if my nerves are on fire.
all i want to do is dance.
to turn, turn for ages. and do it well, and beautifully.
to jump, to leap. to leap high, and with grace. to feel the beauty your body can create. to SOAR through the air.
to capture those moments, and movements, in pictures.
and to admire them.
this week i found that i love to jump. and that I'm quite good at it. i LOVE it.
i love to turn as well. as long as i am NOT in gore boots on newly refurnished floors.
can i just say....
i have red hair :] pictures... soon?
"... if we want a picture, I'll have to roll up shorts up, and pull my duck down."
well goodness.
i feel as if my nerves are on fire.
all i want to do is dance.
to turn, turn for ages. and do it well, and beautifully.
to jump, to leap. to leap high, and with grace. to feel the beauty your body can create. to SOAR through the air.
to capture those moments, and movements, in pictures.
and to admire them.
this week i found that i love to jump. and that I'm quite good at it. i LOVE it.
i love to turn as well. as long as i am NOT in gore boots on newly refurnished floors.
can i just say....
do what you're passionate about. and do it well! and love it! take it all in. don't let the hard times get you down. go for it!! go for it FULLY! don't have regrets :]
of course... we all envy ladies like these... and wish that we could be just as beautiful. maybe in my next life.
i have red hair :] pictures... soon?
"... if we want a picture, I'll have to roll up shorts up, and pull my duck down."
Monday, August 8, 2011
i dress like a mom..??
is it strange... or worrisome... that i am told i dress like a mom?
not to be cocky, cause that is definitely not what i am, but i don't think moms could look as good as me.
just saying.
"....she's like the mom of the team."
Sunday, August 7, 2011
cutest names!.. and random things..
i thought id share these names now before i forget that i love them :]
1. Sutton (girl)
2. Spencer (girl)
3. Phoebe (girl)
4 Andrew (boy)
haha... can you tell which kind of kid i want?? kind? i talk like they're a pair of shoes... oh well. not something I'll be actually thinking about for.... 10 years? yes, at least that :]
i really hate school. i have such an inward anger towards it.
I'll go to school, tell myself I'm going to be good that day and i won't get angry at the teachers...
but i go and what do i do??? lose my temper.
great. and whole other year of it.
and I'm not very excited to see... some certain people.
I'll control myself and be nice..
i am just certainly NOT excited to see you :] :]
one more thing.
starts up again tomorrow.
who knows what direction I'll take:
1. stay with it and stick it out...and pray that the best happens.
2. quit, get a job, have a real social life, do well in school.... possibly get fat.
who knows!
tomorrow and Tuesday will determine my path...
I've got a brain full of random things lately :] its absolutely beautiful :]
nothing funny happens in life anymore. so...
1. Sutton (girl)
2. Spencer (girl)
3. Phoebe (girl)
4 Andrew (boy)
haha... can you tell which kind of kid i want?? kind? i talk like they're a pair of shoes... oh well. not something I'll be actually thinking about for.... 10 years? yes, at least that :]
i really hate school. i have such an inward anger towards it.
I'll go to school, tell myself I'm going to be good that day and i won't get angry at the teachers...
but i go and what do i do??? lose my temper.
great. and whole other year of it.
and I'm not very excited to see... some certain people.
I'll control myself and be nice..
i am just certainly NOT excited to see you :] :]
one more thing.
starts up again tomorrow.
who knows what direction I'll take:
1. stay with it and stick it out...and pray that the best happens.
2. quit, get a job, have a real social life, do well in school.... possibly get fat.
who knows!
tomorrow and Tuesday will determine my path...
I've got a brain full of random things lately :] its absolutely beautiful :]
nothing funny happens in life anymore. so...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
CrossFit..... ouch?
if you've ever heard of CrossFit, you've probably heard that it sucks and that people hate it.
i am no different.
the blistered hands.
the muscles that you didn't even know could be sore.
not being able to sit.
getting down on yourself cause you can only bench 55 as your max weight.
getting down on yourself again cause you can only do 40 pull ups in 20 minutes. and almost puking. twice.
i love it :] its such an amazing feeling to know you just worked hard.
and guess what?
i don't hate it :] i was's actually really fun!
and... it makes you happy. its like a good kind of drug :]
looking for a good workout?? may i suggest CrossFit???
i am no different.
the blistered hands.
the muscles that you didn't even know could be sore.
not being able to sit.
getting down on yourself cause you can only bench 55 as your max weight.
getting down on yourself again cause you can only do 40 pull ups in 20 minutes. and almost puking. twice.
i love it :] its such an amazing feeling to know you just worked hard.
and guess what?
i don't hate it :] i was's actually really fun!
and... it makes you happy. its like a good kind of drug :]
looking for a good workout?? may i suggest CrossFit???
Friday, July 29, 2011
the week of girls camp
first off, i would like to say this:
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it was meant to be.
If it continues to fly, let it soar, have faith that God has something better in store.
this week i was at the beloved GIRLS CAMP. upon 'The Temple on the Mount', i had a marvelous time. from laughs, to tears, to stinky, yucky girls, to just plain tired... i had the best kind of week.
as i go to girls camp each year, we have a stake theme: OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO!- Dr. Suess.
but i also have a personal theme. this theme is the point that sticks out most to me throughout the whole week. this year it was: the fact that earthly things don't matter. my looks, money, body image, objects that bring short bouts of happiness. of course the decisions we make now will determine our eternity, and i think i'm choosing quite well as of right now, but i need to focus on more of an eternal perspective.
we also talked a lot about writing our own story.
we often write our own stories, but what we forget, is that perhaps the Lord has something else in store for us. and guess what? it always ends up making our story to our happily ever after... so much sweeter. so much closer to perfection.
while going through these moments, they seem hard, quite unbearable, and like we can't possibly make it through. but let me assure you, that with the help of our loving Savior, we can. but we must put our trust in Him.
that's so much easier said, than done. i know.
i love girls camp for the rejuvination it brings. it refocusses us on what is truly important. and i love it. i love the spirit that every girls feels upon that mountain. it is truly a temple. and its my favorite one.
'once upon a time, a girl was born into this life; heaven could be seen in her eyes. there was no doubt she was divine. and if we are still, you will understand: that the princess in this wonderous story.... is you.
its your time! its your destiny to shine! so arise! be true to the royal thats inside of you.
dont settle for the story that the world would you write. you were born to reach eternal life.
let faith fill every chapter. let the Savior lead you to: happily ever after."
as we sang this song each night, and came to the very last chorus, you could feel it. you could feel the Savoirs love so strong.... it brought you to tears. YOU WERE BORN TO REACH ETERNAL LIFE! wow. the power that sentence has is incredible. dont forget it! dont let the world snatch you and suck you in. you were born to be so much more than just an ordinary girl.
you are a daughter of your Heavenly Father, who loves you, and you love Him.
i got on facebook (because we all know thats where we all go after being absent) and i got to see the pictures and good times my many friends had on trek. it was so cool knowing that so many of our strong youth could have such a powerful week... even in different places. we are strong indivuals... and we can do hard things.
I am so glad to be a member of this incredible youth. wow. what a blessing.
I am so glad for my testimony.... it really comes down to only that in the end. thats all we have left. strengthen it by going to these wonderful experiences like trek and girls camp. it will get you throught
i love this gospel with all that i am. those who dont have it... wow. you're missing out.
"your bunk has the funk.. real bad" - everyone that had to witness the stench of camille.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
my addiction to traveling: where i want to go.
i've made a list of things to accomplish and places to go.
lately all i've wanted to do is travel.i'm addicted to it like a drug.
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Temple in the Middle East. |
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Take cute pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower. |
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go golfing in Scotland |
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go walking in the rain of Wales |
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go snorkeling in Hawaii |
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go on an African Safari |
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rafting in Peru |
no one understands my gravitational pull to traveling....
its weird to explain.
so just get me out of here!!
some people feel they are made to do something.
this is what i believe i was sent to do.
"hey look. that sign says you have to be "40" (inches) to buy alcohol."
actually... those are parenthesis.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
best week: ever. period.
Tuesday: getting caught in the rain with my best friend, my other really good friend, and his sudden obsession ((a very beautiful girl whom i love)). very wonderful.
Wednesday: mmmmm... SPARKLERS WITH JILL AND HEIDI! check it:
Thursday: i had a lazy day. my best friend. me. sitting and watching movies together. and nothing else. makeup-less. cute hair-less. and in nothing figure complimenting in any way. very wonderful.
Friday: a short trip to the pool. me. my best friend. my very close friend. without his sudden obsession ((we heard about how much he missed her)). but only 3 short hours. not enough.
Saturday: started with a parade: hot. long. sweaty. pretty alright.
went hiking: waited. for hour and a half. went. to the wrong 200 south ((we were in Lindon... we were supposed to be in pg)). my best friend getting us unlost after getting us lost. pretty funny.
getting there: going up the wrong trail. finding the right trail. wow.... going up hill. the whole time. basically running. thank goodness for waterfalls. pretty beautiful.
*time in between: finding a spot. painting with mud. pushing in. quiet time. spying ((hahahahaha!!!!! oh man. can't wait to hear about the details)). running back down the trail. only to find out we didn't have to rush. pretty.... amazing. ((that word doesn't even work in my vocabulary anymore)).
getting ready: cute hair. fresh makeup. blue poncho. green floral shorts. earrings. sandals ((that never actually made in on my feet for more than 10 minutes)). going to Adams. pretty pumped.
driving there: boy: "hey! we saved you some pizza!" me:"they saved us some pizza!!" girl:"did you say 2 pieces?? man.. we could eat two pizzas!". pretty hungry.
showing up: "2 pieces?!" hahahahahahahaha. pizza. crazy bread. brownies. no scary movies ((because we didn't want people to be sleeping with their parents)). chick flicks. sleepless in Seattle. tomatoes. pretty funny.fireworks: driving forever trying to find somewhere to park. finding a place. running into parents. sitting away from parents ((not that i would have minded sitting with them)). the most amazing firework show I've seen. beautiful.
waiting for traffic to slow: cuddling. patcha ((from the emperors new groove)). laughing. dry eyes. wet eyes. pretty perfect.
love being surrounded with those i love.
love actually having a summer.
love being happy.
love kissing.
love. love. love.
love incomplete sentences.
and periods.
makes things sound final.
love my readers.
tahXXX ((Cali on Friday!! whoop! might come back without hair. we'll see :)))
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
summer nights: caught in the rain
park. thunder. lightening. beautiful sights. shining lights. pouring rain. soaking wet. running. holding hands. ice cream. movies.
we got caught in the middle of the pouring rain.
the warm, heavy, beautiful, summer rain.
those summer nights.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Life sucks.
My summer has done nothing to be but make me miserable. I have seen my boyfriend 6 times... And I'll be lucky to make it 9 by the time school starts. No one understands how hard that is for me.
I have drill everyday for basically the rest of the summer... Which then takes away my time with my best friend. I already haven't had any.
Basketball? I really thought I liked it. I thought the coaches were amazing men... But now I'm just terrified of them. I can't even support my friends?? Nope, and you probably shouldn't go to any games ever again, either. I can't go to the store without fear of spotting one of them... Because I would honestly probably start crying.
I feel extremely neglected. Girls need reassurance sometimes. Whether it be in a relationship, or just in a friendship. Not that I really have either right now.
I'm scared of what the future holds. I hate growing up.
Mostly Im just sick of having no time. Things are so inconvenient right now.
My heart can't take it anymore. What the hell am I supposed to do!? Please exude my language. All I want to do is swear lately.
Life??? Just stop.
Trials are good clo... They make you stronger. You'll be a better person at the end of it :)
See that??^^^^^^^ that would be me being bipolar. I'll have 15 minutes of crying and feeling sorry for myself, and then I'll be fine. I think I need to be mediated :)
Don't think I'm crazy.
I'm just confused.
Tah(again) XXX
I have drill everyday for basically the rest of the summer... Which then takes away my time with my best friend. I already haven't had any.
Basketball? I really thought I liked it. I thought the coaches were amazing men... But now I'm just terrified of them. I can't even support my friends?? Nope, and you probably shouldn't go to any games ever again, either. I can't go to the store without fear of spotting one of them... Because I would honestly probably start crying.
I feel extremely neglected. Girls need reassurance sometimes. Whether it be in a relationship, or just in a friendship. Not that I really have either right now.
I'm scared of what the future holds. I hate growing up.
Mostly Im just sick of having no time. Things are so inconvenient right now.
My heart can't take it anymore. What the hell am I supposed to do!? Please exude my language. All I want to do is swear lately.
Life??? Just stop.
Trials are good clo... They make you stronger. You'll be a better person at the end of it :)
See that??^^^^^^^ that would be me being bipolar. I'll have 15 minutes of crying and feeling sorry for myself, and then I'll be fine. I think I need to be mediated :)
Don't think I'm crazy.
I'm just confused.
Tah(again) XXX
Sunday Blues: blank?
It's Sunday morning....
&& I'm sick.
**trying to find a good app for blogging with.. Any suggestions???
P.S. Crying is dumb. Anyone know how to drain tear ducts?? Permanently?
&& I'm sick.
**trying to find a good app for blogging with.. Any suggestions???
P.S. Crying is dumb. Anyone know how to drain tear ducts?? Permanently?
Friday, June 24, 2011
just some random things: happy, sad, thoughts, hearings, events...
well hi.
i know you have forgotten about Chloe's poor, poor blog.
but i'm back and ready to be happy again!!
just some random things.
1. i have heard from a few people that they know of people who read my blog. but they also mention that they think i might find it creepy.
let me asure you, i do not :] my blog is here for random people to read it :] please feel free (i would also greatly appreciate it) to comment :]
3. so.......
i'm obsessed with this show.
maybe you've heard of it??
Pretty Little Liars.
oh my.
which brings me to...
4. i'm FREAKING IN LOVE with all the music on that show!!!
its just the absolute best thing out there.
check it:
(that would just be two of my many favorites)
5. i'm happy again :] i got to see my friends, i got to finally enjoy summer weather. i got to sleep in passed 7!!!
6. some people are dumb. get over yourselves. just cause i'm in the spot you think you deserve... doesn't mean you do :] i'll be front if thats where i'm set. i might feel bad, but i'll do it better than you :] promise.
7. i cry a lot lately.
9. my obsession with clothing as strangely, and very sadly, disappeared :[
hopefully it will come back when school starts again....?
10. i REALLY...
i know you have forgotten about Chloe's poor, poor blog.
but i'm back and ready to be happy again!!
just some random things.
1. i have heard from a few people that they know of people who read my blog. but they also mention that they think i might find it creepy.
let me asure you, i do not :] my blog is here for random people to read it :] please feel free (i would also greatly appreciate it) to comment :]
3. so.......
i'm obsessed with this show.
maybe you've heard of it??
Pretty Little Liars.
oh my.
which brings me to...
4. i'm FREAKING IN LOVE with all the music on that show!!!
its just the absolute best thing out there.
check it:
(that would just be two of my many favorites)
5. i'm happy again :] i got to see my friends, i got to finally enjoy summer weather. i got to sleep in passed 7!!!
6. some people are dumb. get over yourselves. just cause i'm in the spot you think you deserve... doesn't mean you do :] i'll be front if thats where i'm set. i might feel bad, but i'll do it better than you :] promise.
7. i cry a lot lately.
9. my obsession with clothing as strangely, and very sadly, disappeared :[
hopefully it will come back when school starts again....?
10. i REALLY...
want to cut my hair to my shoulders again.
11. i love you :]
12. I LOVE MY NEW TEAM!!!! you are the best people ever :] i'm excited for all our great times!
thats all for now :]
life is good.
dont complain.
thats dumb.
be grateful.
laugh... a lot.
make mistakes.... learn from them :]
enjoy everything you've been given..... theres a lot.
Friday, June 17, 2011
i want to do something on a summer night. because i might actually be able to.
i wish i saw you.
i wish my hopes, wishes, plans (choose any one) would actually happen.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
youth conference: what i've learned...
I had youth conference the last 3 days... and let me tell you!!
it was amazing :]
definitely a different experience than the last AFY (American Fork Youth) that i went to, but it was awesome :]
i met some people... or maybe just one ;] and they made it okay that my dumb, loser, bad-attitude-having- friend wasn't there :] thanks!
while we were there, three things never left my mind:
1. I AM going to the Celestial Kingdom... because i am a worthy Temple Recommend holder :]
2. "We are as the Army of Heleman".... we are such strong youth! oh my goodness...its absolutely incredible!
3. I know what the spirit feels like :] i have come to know and understand it. i have never had a time when i haven't felt it because... well! i haven't done anything to make it leave :] and i never want it to!
i am so blessed to be apart of this church.. because its true, the only true church, and i don't know where i would be without it.
i know my Savior loves me, and every each one of you, as well. we are His sons and daughters and he wants nothing more than for us to return to Him :]
no matter the deep, dark hole you have dug for yourself, you can always get out :] through love and repentance, it can be as if nothing ever happened :] and that is such a comforting feeling :]
i hope that you can feel His love as well... there's nothing better :]
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Some people....??
The nerve of some people.
Don't you know that everything you say about someone.... Eventually makes it's way back to that person??
The nerve.
Don't you know that everything you say about someone.... Eventually makes it's way back to that person??
The nerve.
Friday, June 3, 2011
A day like today calls for Twilight.. For the 16 time.
It's sad that I always resort to Twilight when I have days like today.
Maybe I just want to remember the times of when I read it for the first time.
Or maybe I just like the place that book takes me.
Because whenever I read.. I got places.
And this takes to me to my 'this kind of day' place.
Happy reading.
Maybe I just want to remember the times of when I read it for the first time.
Or maybe I just like the place that book takes me.
Because whenever I read.. I got places.
And this takes to me to my 'this kind of day' place.
Happy reading.
Monday, May 23, 2011
being invisible S.U.C.K.S.
Sweet pea, Apple of my eye...Don't know when and I don't know why....You're the only reason I keep on coming home....................................................Sweet pea, Keeper of my soul, I know sometimes I'm out of control. You're the only reason I keep on coming home.
oh how sadly pathetic that is... because it's true.
after this terrible weekend, (first getting a call canceling your date, second seeing a deer and almost peeing my pants, and a few more unfortunate events that i will not talk about. then the next day showing up at a baseball game to find that every single one of your stupid friends is there.... and you didn't receive an invite. o.u.c.h. then fighting a friend until she agrees to going to this party, but only if you'll come in and say hi. ((mind you i was NOT invited and was NOT intending on staying)) i went and found out that basically every single one of my stupid friends was there. o.u.c.h.) i realized that i have no friends.
my 'team'.... yeah. they don't even acknowledge me. it's fine. NOT.
on more than one occasion, i will walk up to them and try to strike up a conversation, but i will get ignored.... like i wasn't even there, let alone speaking to them. sorry, *ladies*..... i didn't know i'm not good enough to hold a conversation with you. sorry for thinking you liked me. at least a little bit.
now... if you've never had this kind of feeling... you're lucky. because lately, it's my constant companion.
some might say it's my fault. maybe because of that boy, but let me inform you... it is not him.
the reason i spend so much time with him is because, from the very beginning, you never liked us. get over yourselves. it is your life??? NO. do you have any right to think the things you do or say the things you do?? NO.
thank goodness i have at least one person that will stick by my side. listen to my tears. my fears.
(and thank you to one friend inparticular...who sat with me and listened. i love you.)
have a fabulous week.
only 4 more days.
for me.
i'll try to enjoy it.
...and try not to burst into spontaneous tears.
Drill Team,
my best friend,
My friends,
My Life,
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
YOU AGGRAVATE ME: just take my hints....
you would THINK people would be smart!!
just leave me be.
our lives would be easier if you just stopped.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Oh Hey: life. is. GOOD.
I've been absent for a little while :] i've been worrying about
We had clinics Tuesday and Wednesday, then tryouts yesterday. and let me tell you!! i was so confident!! i've never been like that before... i think i'm gonna make a habit of it :] i felt suuuuuper good about everything. and everything turned out just as i wanted it to!!!
the girls that have joined my team are great and i am SOOOOO EXCITED to get to know them!! we're going to be great friends and we're gonna have a greaaaaat year together :]
there are just a few things that i'm going to have to make clear to a few people :]
life is so great!!!!!
and its warm :]
I've been absent for a little while :] i've been worrying about
We had clinics Tuesday and Wednesday, then tryouts yesterday. and let me tell you!! i was so confident!! i've never been like that before... i think i'm gonna make a habit of it :] i felt suuuuuper good about everything. and everything turned out just as i wanted it to!!!
the girls that have joined my team are great and i am SOOOOO EXCITED to get to know them!! we're going to be great friends and we're gonna have a greaaaaat year together :]
there are just a few things that i'm going to have to make clear to a few people :]
life is so great!!!!!
and its warm :]
Thursday, May 5, 2011
I'm annoyed: you know those kinds of days?....
you know those kinds of days when everything bothers you???
i'm at the start of one of those days right now.
this should be a good day.
Monday, May 2, 2011
May: first official day of sun bathing....
yes. i am one of those people who consider 60 degrees to be warm
but i couldn't help it!!
it was beautiful :]
and after lunch today.....
i just had to get back out there!
but this time, in a swimsuit.
it was very refreshing and i have my fill of vitamin D.
today i also decided what i'm doing this weekend.
1. i'm doing a makeover
2. it's going to be on a boy
3. i will be recieving one in return
4. it will be done by a boy
5. i have very willing and wonderful friends :]
my best friend,
My friends,
Friday, April 29, 2011
Chloe's random thoughts: i admire you.
While reading a blog post of a dearly loved friend, i realized that she may be one of the strongest people i know. you are amazing. and i look up to you so much.
when it comes to be my turn, i don't how i'm going to handle it. i just hope and pray that maybe, just maybe, i'll take it like you; like a strong girl who is excited about the future, and over looks the bad things. i look up to you so much. you are amazing.
while thinking about my future and what crazy things may happen, i realized that it's time to completely let go. don't be chloe. just totally let go and be free. because i don't think i have ever, not once, done that. i've always been my tightly wound, paranoid, fun sucking self.... too shy to be myself. and i'm not going to keep doing that. tryouts are in a week and half, and i am SO nervous. i'm working on my captains solo this weekend, and THAT is when i must let go and be anything but myself. wish me luck.
i have never looked up to so many people than i do right now. i am so very grateful for the people in my life. you have all taught me so much. whether it be from your mistakes, your trials, or your smiles; everything you do has blessed me richly. i love you.
i am going to stop being jealous. i am going to stop getting mad at people for no reason. i am only going to be excited and optimitic about things.
have a wonderful weekend.
i also hope i have one, too.
when it comes to be my turn, i don't how i'm going to handle it. i just hope and pray that maybe, just maybe, i'll take it like you; like a strong girl who is excited about the future, and over looks the bad things. i look up to you so much. you are amazing.
while thinking about my future and what crazy things may happen, i realized that it's time to completely let go. don't be chloe. just totally let go and be free. because i don't think i have ever, not once, done that. i've always been my tightly wound, paranoid, fun sucking self.... too shy to be myself. and i'm not going to keep doing that. tryouts are in a week and half, and i am SO nervous. i'm working on my captains solo this weekend, and THAT is when i must let go and be anything but myself. wish me luck.
i have never looked up to so many people than i do right now. i am so very grateful for the people in my life. you have all taught me so much. whether it be from your mistakes, your trials, or your smiles; everything you do has blessed me richly. i love you.
i am going to stop being jealous. i am going to stop getting mad at people for no reason. i am only going to be excited and optimitic about things.
have a wonderful weekend.
i also hope i have one, too.
Friday, April 22, 2011
And my life begins again starting.....NOW!!!: Cavettes :)
Yaya!!! New coach has finally arrived!!
Amazing dancer!!
Her name is McCall Tickson :)
She used to coach Jordan (sucks for Jordan!) but now shes with us!
Iiiiiii have a wonderful feeling about her, some thinks she's too young, but looking at how Jordan did last year: 4th in region, 4th(I think) in state, 1st in nationals!! So she's bound to be good.... Right??
Oh I hope so :)
Yay for bad things!! They only bring better things to you :)
Amazing dancer!!
Her name is McCall Tickson :)
She used to coach Jordan (sucks for Jordan!) but now shes with us!
Iiiiiii have a wonderful feeling about her, some thinks she's too young, but looking at how Jordan did last year: 4th in region, 4th(I think) in state, 1st in nationals!! So she's bound to be good.... Right??
Oh I hope so :)
Yay for bad things!! They only bring better things to you :)
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