Wednesday, July 6, 2011

summer nights: caught in the rain

park. thunder. lightening. beautiful sights. shining lightspouring rain. soaking wet. running. holding hands. ice cream. movies.

we got caught in the middle of the pouring rain.

the warm, heavy, beautiful, summer rain.

those summer nights.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Life sucks.

My summer has done nothing to be but make me miserable. I have seen my boyfriend 6 times... And I'll be lucky to make it 9 by the time school starts. No one understands how hard that is for me.
I have drill everyday for basically the rest of the summer... Which then takes away my time with my best friend. I already haven't had any.
Basketball? I really thought I liked it. I thought the coaches were amazing men... But now I'm just terrified of them. I can't even support my friends?? Nope, and you probably shouldn't go to any games ever again, either. I can't go to the store without fear of spotting one of them... Because I would honestly probably start crying.
I feel extremely neglected. Girls need reassurance sometimes. Whether it be in a relationship, or just in a friendship. Not that I really have either right now.
I'm scared of what the future holds. I hate growing up.
Mostly Im just sick of having no time. Things are so inconvenient right now.
My heart can't take it anymore. What the hell am I supposed to do!? Please exude my language. All I want to do is swear lately.
Life??? Just stop.
Trials are good clo... They make you stronger. You'll be a better person at the end of it :)

See that??^^^^^^^ that would be me being bipolar. I'll have 15 minutes of crying and feeling sorry for myself, and then I'll be fine. I think I need to be mediated :)
Don't think I'm crazy.
I'm just confused.
Tah(again) XXX

Sunday Blues: blank?

It's Sunday morning....
&& I'm sick.

**trying to find a good app for blogging with.. Any suggestions???


P.S. Crying is dumb. Anyone know how to drain tear ducts?? Permanently?