Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Clever remarks that aren't okay to actually put on social media.

"Hey! Utah can still break off from the US and become an independent country with Mitt as president! #WhosIn?"

"Looks like we can count on the second coming happening in the next four years.. With Obama as head leader."

"The only reason he was elected was because he's for gay marriage, which I'm not against, but come on. Look at the facts. He sucks."

"You know every anti- Romney follower I have is getting an unfollow. This is a very important issue, and you're just trying to be different. Shut up."

"Yes! I get to pay for everyone that doesn't work to have a house. How lucky am I?!"

"We have great oil wells in America.. Why not use them? Because that would make gas cheap.. We don't want that now do we?"

I hate this day.
Except that I'm going to dinner on Saturday. Whoooooo hooooo!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Sometimes I wonder if Obama really is for gay marriage and abortion, or if he just took that side because he knew he'd get the people's vote.
I find it incredibly sallow of people if that is their reason for voting him. In this recession, shouldn't money and creating jobs and boosting employment be our biggest concern? I know it's mine. Forget same sex marriage, think about the debt he's put us in.
Mitt is obviously good with money. Get him in office.

There will be tears no matter the outcome tomorrow night. I just hope they're tears of joy, instead of shear terror.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lets add to the pile titled "future"

College deadlines are December 1. You know what that means! Applications, applications, and more applications!! Yeeees.

But I'm so young I don't even know where I want to go. So. You can see how this causes a huge problem. I plan to apply to lots of schools... And pay lots of money.

On top of all this, I have my biggest life problem to worry about. It's only become more apparent to everyone (even though I really don't think it's something everyone needs to lose their heads about. I'm good, I got this). So my mom has started sending me her personal trainers motivational healthy tips and quotes.
I mean they're really great, and I can see them helping. I just don't know how much will power I have to give up sugar... IT'S EVERYWHERE. And when I turn something down, people always reply "you're seriously on that healthy crap again?" "You're young, you can eat whatever you want" "you're perfect the way you are" "you're eating right?" Can we just accept I don't feel happy, comfortable, or OKAY when I eat like that? Is that bad?? Really, is it? I don't like having to compromise my diet habits to make someone get off my back... For something that's good for me.

Palio. I'm going Palio. I can handle Palio. Please, all I ask is that you support me. Don't give me a hard time when I decline your offer to a donut. Don't ask me to go to Starbucks and get coffee (or coco for me). Just spare me the guilt.

... I'm your little harlet, scarlet. The queen if Coney Island.