Saturday, April 14, 2012

1) Everyone deserves a second chance. But nothing more. Anything after that is a decision.. Not a mistake.

2) Don't put up with peoples crap. You can be a hell of a lot happier alone if they're making you miserable.

3) You always have a choice. Mine was to forgive... But I won't do it again because I know I can eventually be happy without you.

4) I'm really thankful for this rollarcoaster we call life- it gives me experience. I hope others can look at my mistakes, learn from them, and not make them themselves.

5) I truly am thankful for low times in life :) sounds crazy- but I'll be stronger, happier, and smarter because of these trials :)

TRY. trying can make or break a situation. I'm TRYING real hard... Even if you can't see it.
