A dress, denim button up, pink bow, pink shoes, pink pearl earrings.
Vanilla cupcake, chocolate frosting, blue flower, silver sprinkles; floral china, frilly bistro, old newspaper, glitter.
Old friends, best friends, sweaters, smiles, hugs.
Germany, California, New Zealand, Mexico; Mexico, Russia, Spain, etcetera.
Tears, hugs, hugs, and hugs; smile, converse, onto the next.
Typing, learning, interrupted.. There's a letter.
Read, asked, beamed... I'm going to prom!!
Today has been fabulously eventful!
1) My best friend is serving his LDS mission in Frankfurt, Germany! He leaves July 24! I hoped I was lucky enough to catch him while I was there, but I think I'll miss him by a few weeks.
2) I got to celebrate my very best sisters (best friends) birthday! Nothing better than a day at Dear Lizzie.
3) I'm going to prom with my other very best friend :) :) :) he asked me in such a cute way... I love him!
No ones got better friends than I do and I'll fight anyone who thinks they do.
(But seriously, they're great)
Take a peek into the good life of Chloe Gilmour