Sunday, March 17, 2013

Seeing these are the last of my days

Between tomorrow and the day of graduation, we have a little over two months. That is the exact amount of time I'll be spending in Germany. That's kind of a long time when I'm here and waiting to graduate. But it's such a short time when I think about all the things I have to do with people before then.

Two months is such a short time to be together, and to be honest...
I'm scared.
And I'm sad.
And I'm almost regretful.
And it's all happening so fast.

So many people won't be here when I get home. The people that mean the most to me in life won't be here. They won't be a phone call away, they'll be a letter away, which is far. I won't be able to hear their comforting, lovely voices. I won't get to be in one of their big loving hugs. I won't get to hear them tease me, or ask how my trip was. I won't get to hear them leave their testimonies here, while they go to the various countries they've been assigned.

I won't be here for any of it.

And here I am thinking two months is a long time.

Chlo. Two YEARS is a long time.

I can't get caught up in my life. I need to take what time I have with everyone and cherish it. And be selfish, because I won't get to be for so long.

But then I remember, THEY AREN'T DYING, CHLO. It's just two years... Just two. Think how it's flown by for everyone else....

Besides. You'll be on your own mission more than half the time they'll be gone.

... Can you see me trying to convince myself? Is it working?

He's recognized I'm something special. And I already knew that about him, but now is the time it's got to count.
Should I make it count? Or should I leave it be because it's two months?

Heart or the head?

I just pray I won't be forgotten. Please? Remember me? Love me? Come back to me? Like old times? Sitting in the yard, talking about everything, nothing. This is just one more stage of life I get to be apart of. I hope.

I love you. I always have, and I ALWAYS will. You've been my rock, my smile on a dark day, the laughter in an empty one. My big brother when I didn't have my own.. And a best friend when I didn't have anyone else. You've been my source of strength, and my biggest example.

Remember who you are. Don't ever forget. You're my best friend, and Heavenly Fathers son.
