Friday, July 5, 2013

Au Revoir

Tonight I'm far away. 

I'm in the mountains; California mountains to be exact. There's a fire burning, and old wood walls from the 70's. There's a red plaid couch and a knitted blanket laying on the back. There's mismatched furniture and the musky smell of the forest. I'm wearing a giant tan sweater and leggings, in socks sipping tea. 
Perhaps I'm in my dream house now- the one in the Scottish back hills. Everything is white- the walls, the floor, the cabinets, the furniture. My windows are soaked in falling rain and I'm in a giant over sized sweater, leggings, socks, and I'm sipping tea. There are green rolling hills and old men herding sheep, and old walls made of stone still make history as they gloriously plant themselves in the hills where they've been for what seems like all of time & where they'll stay for the next centuries. There's an atmosphere only described by the words "gray" & "comfortable". 
The ability to remember. Is there anything more beautiful? That we can call on any moment of our pasts and have that small moment of that present in our minds. 
Remember when we had fantasies and we played pretend? I'm still playing pretend, except now instead of pretending to kiss boys, I am. Instead of imitating the big girls, I am the big girl. Instead of dreaming of having it all, I'm on my way to having it all. 

I've made quite a mess of this, haven't I?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Take it all in; Make a lasting memory

You may never have another chance.
 the stars are in your reach. 
you have the power in your hands.
its time now to believe you will always have the secret-
you will always have the air to breath

Happy 4th of July.
Today was spent making pies, jamming to music, laughing, and making memories to last a lifetime. 
I think today I'm mostly grateful for long awaited answers to prayers.

"... And if not him, someone better. Not better THAN him, but better FOR you."

(we managed to make the prettiest looking pie ever, until Heber burned his arm and half of the pie slid off, making it crumble. But it still tasted good.)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Been there, doing that

I've been there. Doing that. Having a love/hate relationship with it

Things got a whole lot more complicated when I allowed myself to make friends; friends that are a lot closer to me than they should be after 10 days. There's something special about friendships that happen so quickly. 

But now I remember I have to leave again. I have to say more goodbyes. I said 9 weeks was too long, but now I'm saying it isn't long enough. 

The worst part?

This isn't the one I wanted. But.. I understand. We're in the same boat, really. I just wish it could have happened. 
Every other fly wants the fruit accept for the fly that's good for the fruit 
(excuse the lame metaphor. There's a fly buzzing around my head and I've eaten my weight in fruit today)

Happy 4th of July week my fellow Americans! I will be celebrating mine making pies and taking strolls and having a BBQ with Brits. It's a bit off, but hey-

Also, I still attract awkward things in this country. 

This really has been the best things I've ever done. I won't ever forget my time here. Or the people- especially the people.
