Sunday, September 4, 2011

the sounds of my childhood memory...

   as I'm laying here in bed, i can hear the train blowing its horn. its dark, and I'm laying by a slightly cracked window. this sound reminds me of two different times in my not-too-long-ago childhood life.

   whenever i hear the sound of that horn, i immediately go to my grandparents house. i was about 6 i think, and i remember laying in my bed, that was right by a slightly cracked window, where i could hear the sound of that horn, and could see the glare from the city lights. i can strictly remember the smell that room had: it smelled of strong scented soap, the kind you would smell in an earlier time period. i always thought it would be green and prickly. i remember being wrapped up in stiff, cool, white sheets.
   i don't know why i always go to that moment in time, but i always do. every time. and it reminds me of the happy times i shared in hot California, in that house with wretched green carpet..... and I'll never forget that simple memory.

  i also think of the time i was in London. we were staying at the London temple headquarters in a white, cylinder block room that had three bunk beds. i loved hearing the sound of that train... it was somehow so much more magical than any other train I'd ever heard. maybe it was due to the fact that i was in London, somewhere I'd always longed to go, or maybe its just because i have a thing for trains.
   i loved smelling and hearing the light drops of rain, and the far away bustle of London, and feeling the calming peace of the temple nearby. i loved walking around the beautiful gardens each morning before we went out for the day, and seeing, all around me, the strange and different things. the things that remind me of my time in the UK are things i would never trade for anything. they are memories i will never forget, and they're memories that are awakened quite often by the smallest things.

   i love being reminded of happy childhood times. times when all you needed to do was get a red crayon and draw a picture. when bubbles could make everything better. where going far away places in your imagination was normal, and making up silly games with your friends was the best time.

   I'm grateful for the memories i have, and the places they take me.

".... you didn't even play with me and i adore you for it..."

have a lovely, and dreamy night my charming readers..

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