Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Screw Technology.

Honestly? Twitter was fun... Until I got harassed there. Facebook was getting old.. And I was getting crap there, too. Blogging is nice, but you still get biz snatch girls writing dumb stuff. Technology is supposed to be good. Nope. It only causes me worry and stress. It's only yet ANOTHER way to cause drama. I'm glad my friends no longer tell me things. I'm glad I don't really have friends (because if I did, I'd be caught up in dumb things that don't even matter). I'm glad that I have at least two people to back me up when I need it. I'm glad I have my blog to listen to me vent in a more creative and wordy way :) I'm glad it's the time of season to get fat and eat away your worries. Current: 117.4 After the holidays: 136 Count on it ;) Tah.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be your friend Chlo.
    For real.
    I realllyyy do love you.
    You're way great.
