Monday, May 23, 2011

being invisible S.U.C.K.S.

Sweet pea, Apple of my eye...Don't know when and I don't know why....You're the only reason I keep on coming home....................................................Sweet pea, Keeper of my soul, I know sometimes I'm out of control. You're the only reason I keep on coming home.

oh how sadly pathetic that is... because it's true.

after this terrible weekend, (first getting a call canceling your date, second seeing a deer and almost peeing my pants, and a few more unfortunate events that i will not talk about. then the next day showing up at a baseball game to find that every single one of your stupid friends is there.... and you didn't receive an invite. o.u.c.h. then fighting a friend until she agrees to going to this party, but only if you'll come in and say hi. ((mind you i was NOT invited and was NOT intending on staying)) i went and found out that basically every single one of my stupid friends was there. o.u.c.h.) i realized that i have no friends.


my 'team'.... yeah. they don't even acknowledge me. it's fine. NOT.
on more than one occasion, i will walk up to them and try to strike up a conversation, but i will get ignored.... like i wasn't even there, let alone speaking to them. sorry, *ladies*..... i didn't know i'm not good enough to hold a conversation with you. sorry for thinking you liked me. at least a little bit.

now... if you've never had this kind of feeling... you're lucky. because lately, it's my constant companion.

some might say it's my fault. maybe because of that boy, but let me inform you... it is not him.

the reason i spend so much time with him is because, from the very beginning, you never liked us. get over yourselves. it is your life??? NO. do you have any right to think the things you do or say the things you do?? NO.
thank goodness i have at least one person that will stick by my side. listen to my tears. my fears. my insecurities. thank goodness for best friends. you're the reason i keep comin home.
(and thank you to one friend inparticular...who sat with me and listened. i love you.)

have a fabulous week.
only 4 more days.
for me.
i'll try to enjoy it.
...and try not to burst into spontaneous tears.


  1. oh sweetie. I'm sorry. I can say that i have been there. if you need anything, just text :]

    hey, at least you are going to cali.


  2. You have friends. Trust me (I'm a doctor :] ) I think you're just going through "friend withdrawls" if that makes sense.
