If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it was meant to be.
If it continues to fly, let it soar, have faith that God has something better in store.
this week i was at the beloved GIRLS CAMP. upon 'The Temple on the Mount', i had a marvelous time. from laughs, to tears, to stinky, yucky girls, to just plain tired... i had the best kind of week.
as i go to girls camp each year, we have a stake theme: OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO!- Dr. Suess.
but i also have a personal theme. this theme is the point that sticks out most to me throughout the whole week. this year it was: the fact that earthly things don't matter. my looks, money, body image, objects that bring short bouts of happiness. of course the decisions we make now will determine our eternity, and i think i'm choosing quite well as of right now, but i need to focus on more of an eternal perspective.
we also talked a lot about writing our own story.
we often write our own stories, but what we forget, is that perhaps the Lord has something else in store for us. and guess what? it always ends up making our story to our happily ever after... so much sweeter. so much closer to perfection.
while going through these moments, they seem hard, quite unbearable, and like we can't possibly make it through. but let me assure you, that with the help of our loving Savior, we can. but we must put our trust in Him.
that's so much easier said, than done. i know.
i love girls camp for the rejuvination it brings. it refocusses us on what is truly important. and i love it. i love the spirit that every girls feels upon that mountain. it is truly a temple. and its my favorite one.
'once upon a time, a girl was born into this life; heaven could be seen in her eyes. there was no doubt she was divine. and if we are still, you will understand: that the princess in this wonderous story.... is you.
its your time! its your destiny to shine! so arise! be true to the royal thats inside of you.
dont settle for the story that the world would you write. you were born to reach eternal life.
let faith fill every chapter. let the Savior lead you to: happily ever after."
as we sang this song each night, and came to the very last chorus, you could feel it. you could feel the Savoirs love so strong.... it brought you to tears. YOU WERE BORN TO REACH ETERNAL LIFE! wow. the power that sentence has is incredible. dont forget it! dont let the world snatch you and suck you in. you were born to be so much more than just an ordinary girl.
you are a daughter of your Heavenly Father, who loves you, and you love Him.
i got on facebook (because we all know thats where we all go after being absent) and i got to see the pictures and good times my many friends had on trek. it was so cool knowing that so many of our strong youth could have such a powerful week... even in different places. we are strong indivuals... and we can do hard things.
I am so glad to be a member of this incredible youth. wow. what a blessing.
I am so glad for my testimony.... it really comes down to only that in the end. thats all we have left. strengthen it by going to these wonderful experiences like trek and girls camp. it will get you throught
i love this gospel with all that i am. those who dont have it... wow. you're missing out.
"your bunk has the funk.. real bad" - everyone that had to witness the stench of camille.

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