Friday, May 31, 2013

It's time get out of here. Chao!

I get myself into things without even thinking about them. Who knew sending a silly text introducing myself would play out to be this big? Who knew a homecoming date would do the same? 

I'm in such an emotional state, I don't have any feelings accept for my friends; where there are no feelings that need to be handled, and there are no unspoken words. I can just be myself and love freely without any attachments. 

Sometimes you're scared to leave normallacy for so long, but then god pulls one of his funny tricks, and makes leaving sound more glorious than ever before; even more glorious than during the time you hoped and dreamed for change. 

I'm ready to be another Chloe in a far away land where nobody knows my name, and nobody knows my story. A place I can write whatever I want and not have to refer to another chapter, or even another book. 

A place where past feelings don't go, simply because they were felt in a different time. They can be felt, and probably missed, but they can't be acted upon, and that's the greatest gift. 

It's time to leave. That much is clear. And I'm ready. Not because I don't like them, but because two things can not simultaneously exist in a place only one is morally supposed to exist in. 

1 comment:

  1. We are about to embark on a significant change. It is lovely, but at the same time sort of like when Tom Hanks in "Castaway" finally broke through the wave barrier and watched his little island slowly disappear, the large ocean before him. Hang on, have fun ~
    Carmen and Alexandra
