Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Let me go on about nerdy things: Our education system

Today in English, we discussed a blog post. In this blog post, there was a very concerned mother of a 12 year old boy who refused to do his homework. They had tried everything; taking away phones, no friends, no parties, no video games. Everything any normal young boy would go nuts over.

They continued to let us all in on the way this young boy was. He was very artistic and could draw just about anything. He could listen to any song on the radio and pick up his sax and play it. If his sax wasn't handy, he could play it on another instrument. He could remember just about any piece of information he wanted to. So why wasn't he doing well in school?

Turns out, their son just didn't learn the same way other kids did. He is obviously brilliant and he sees that the things schools do is just pointless busy work that will get him nowhere in life. And boy do I agree with that.

From the moment we can speak, we're taught how to learn. We're taught grammar, math, linguistics, and how to think. But have you ever thought that maybe the way we are taught to do those things is completely wrong? I have.

I like to think of myself as a pretty smart person. I work hard, I try my hardest, I don't turn things in late, I actually have common sense, and yet my grades aren't showing as A's on my report card. Wait... So here I am not BSing any of my work, getting a C, but the kid next to me can sleep his way through school, not show up to class, take the test, and get the same grade as me? I'm sorry, but isn't that a little backwards?

I understand that school is meant to test us on our knowledge and how well we can retain that knowledge, but don't you think it should be based on more than just test scores? I'm not dumb, but I'm not good at school. Actually, I'm probably more logically smart that most people you know. But because schools are not taught to teach us how to think logically, or the in most sensible way, I'm falling up short.

I don't agree with the idea that our math, history, English, and language classes get put so above everything else. Everything artsy, or anything meant to use our creative juices, is tossed under the bus. Personally, I feel like those art classes do more for kids than math ever will. In these classes, kids are taught to think for themselves, use their imagination, use trial and error to find what works best. They get to express themselves in their own individual ways- ways that schooling takes away from us.

I can honestly say that school is 85% busy work. It is just pointless things put in place to fill the class with enough "fluff" to last until the semester (or school year/ term/ quarter) ends. My personal opinion is: teach us what we need to know, and don't puff it up to take a certain amount of time. Don't rush us to learn certain objectives- some minds don't think like that. Schools need to be teaching us how to deal with real world problems and how to handle them. We need to know what to expect in college. Did you know last year was the first time I ever wrote a thesis statement? Well shoot, now I'm put into an AP class where all we do is write thesis statement based essays... and I'm extremely out of practice. We should have been taught how to do this much, much earlier.

We shouldn't just be rushed through school. We shouldn't be tested on every little bit of information possible, because guess what? We won't use a good majority of what we learn in school. Teach us valuable, applicable situations, ones that I can't take and apply when I'm out of high school and in the real world.

I truly believe kids will be more willing to go and LEARN when they have to opportunity to do it on their own- when they are the ones who choose to go because they are interested in the facts. I think kids do love school, I think they hate the testing, the grades, and the mandatory requirements we're asked to meet. Don't test me on what happen in 1350, who did it, why it happened, and then ask me to write about it. Teach it to me because I'm interested in knowing. I'm not interested in being tested on a minuscule date in history. I want to know the affects of what happened; I want to apply that to my life.

Maybe I'm being dramatic, but I really see a huge problem with the way schools do things. I think you'd be surprised by how much you agree...

Have lovely day! And don't forget... everything happens for a reason. Run with it.

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