Monday, January 30, 2012


i made a goal when the new term/ new year started that I would get no more D's on any more tests (because, yes, i get D's).

i'm sad to say that didn't last long at all. i got a D on my math test.

its like no matter how hard i try, i'm JUST NOT SMART ENOUGH. i'm not saying that for sympathy... i'm just not.

today i couldn't help but just feel sorry for myself. i had a physics date over the weekend, and it didn't go well at all. i felt like i just was just so dumb! that feeling came back to me today. after seeing my test grade, it took all that i was to not burst into tears. people are always complaining at that B- they got on their test, when i know that i just got a D... without even looking. i'm so sick of not feeling good enough.

school is hard... i just want to quit. my GPA is totally screwed because i'm taking REQUIRED classes that are too hard for me. that then effects of my terrible GPA effect then my college applications and the way colleges will look at me. which right now... they won't even be looking.

no matter how hard i try.. things continue to fall apart for me. maybe its just a low point in my life, but it really sucks feeling inadiquate.

i'm not complaining anymore.. its just been a sad day. this would have been journal worthy, i'm just way too lazy to write it... so hopefully, if anyone reads what i have to say, you'll just over look a bad day.


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